Zaffar’s Inspirational Articles

Balance is Wisdom

Be wise and keep a balance in your life. Passion and the accomplishing of goals do not only belong to the business sector of your life; they form a whole-of-life experience. There are seven major areas of life: spiritual, family, career/business, financial, social, mental and physical and goals should be designed for each of these areas, but not in isolation. Each goal should be balanced with your other goals if you are to live a happy, dynamic and purposeful life; for example, your family and social life will suffer if you tip the balance of your effort in favour of your business life. The same principles which bring business success should be used at home to develop a vital and exciting family life; otherwise your values are out of balance. Leading a balanced life is not about giving up your dreams, nor should you feel guilty about sharing your time and effort. Let wisdom prevail......

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Many people use the words 'mentor' and 'coach' interchangeably but there is a fine line of difference. The word 'coach' has several meanings and one is "giving someone private instruction in a particular subject". Although coaches are generally associated with athletes and team sports, everyone needs a coach. It is easy to lose direction when difficulties arise. Sometimes you don't know what to do for the best any more and you can get to the point where there is little purpose in your day. Start working with a coach; just as in the sporting arena, a coach will guide you back on track and assist you to reach peak performance......

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Consistent Actions

The Macquarie International Dictionary gives the meaning of consistent as: "Reliable – able to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation".

"In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." Tony Robbins......

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Create Awareness

for excellence in every area of your life. The importance of awareness lies in the fact that it is the foundation for the self-image you need to have if you are to be effective in reaching your goals. To excel, you must be aware of the elements that are needed to contribute to your success......

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"You're on the road to success when you realise that failure is merely a detour." William G. Milnes, Jr.

We have all been told that to be successful we must endure some failure and to look at the lives of great entrepreneurs and not the number of times they failed before pushing on to great achievements and ultimate success......

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Divide Your Plan

Sir Edmund Hilary was interviewed once on conquering a mountain. He said, "As you look at a mountain you know there is no way you can conquer it; but you know you have to just put the left foot in front of the right foot and the right foot in front of the left foot and keep going until you reach the top......."

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Engagement on a Daily Basis

What is engagement on a daily basis? It is the intensity of your relationship with what you are doing, each and every day. When someone is truly engaged, it is very obvious; that person is totally engrossed in what they are doing. People who love what they do and have a very strong purpose in life engage on a daily basis because it comes naturally to them and they find the actions they take toward their goals, fulfilling......

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Exact Goal

Begin by determining exactly what your own personal vision, mission and goals are. One of the best ways of doing this is to take yourself out of the hurry and scurry of daily living and spend one hour alone. This 'time out' should be done on a regular basis as it is imperative to your success......

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Focused Actions

"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." (Herbert Spencer)

When you enter into a major undertaking focused action is a very important factor; in fact it is one of the keys to achieving your goal. Be results focused!......

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"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie

Hope is the expectation of future good and hope always exists within you. Even when you feel there is no hope it will unexpectedly spring up from the depths of your spirit and rekindle optimism; thus the saying "hope springs eternal"......

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A death in the family

It is something that touches every family on earth but that does not make it any easier to bear; particularly if you have been very close to that family member. It can never be a pleasant experience. It is doubly difficult if he or she has been taken early in life by an accident or disease......

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A Major Disappointment

It is just before Christmas and you were asked to a party at an upmarket restaurant and while walking through the foyer you slipped on a fruit drink spilt by a staff member and broke your leg. Now in theatre circles when they tell an actor to "break a leg" they don’t mean it literally. They mean that the actor should “have a wonderfully successful night and have the audience eating out of your hand”. To break a leg literally is something quite different and a lot more painful!.....

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Action is the name of the game

The desire to live a good life is a common need. We would all like a peaceful environment incorporating fulfilling work, a happy family, pleasant friends and, of course, good health to enjoy it. Many of us, however, would like to expand that kind of life to include prosperity and success. Such a life might include having a successful business and being able to travel extensively, as well as to help those less fortunate than ourselves. There is only one way such success is going to come to pass and that's if you take action to make it happen.......

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An Attitude of Mind

What is a "So what" mindset? It is an attitude of mind which says "I will not be defeated. There is a way around this difficulty and I will find it. Things happen in life and I will deal with the problem, clean up and move on." The "So what" mindset does not trivialise what has happened but it does understand that there is a choice; that there are a number of ways to handle everything from disappointing situations to major crises.......

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Changing a belief system

We were not born with our belief systems in place; they were built up from our childhood with input from our parents, our environment and our friends. Since those beliefs were put there we can change them. However, it took a long time to establish those beliefs and it may take some time to change them. How long? Well that depends on how deeply they are ingrained into your system and how much effort you are prepared to expend to make the necessary changes.......

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Difficult relationship with your adult children

Your relationship with your adult children is troubled. One of them is not working full time and usually only comes to you when he wants money. He drinks too much and you think he may be dabbling in the drug scene. You have tried to help him in various ways but he is unpredictable and generally irresponsible. He often becomes angry with you because you have found it necessary to refuse to give him money when he asks.......

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Difficult Relationships

You have been enjoying your endeavours and working well enough for your boss to be pleased with you. As a result you are enjoying some success with a rising profile in the office. Unfortunately, you find out that a workmate who was previously friendly with you is sabotaging you by speaking about you behind your back and making you look bad. It seems that person is jealous and is trying to make herself look better by making you look bad.......

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Do you think you can or do you think you cannot

There is an old saying, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” If you see every challenge as a dead-end street you have a negative, pessimistic attitude which is self-indulgent and unwilling to see that life doesn’t stop with every problem.......

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Enagagement on a daily basis

What is engagement on a daily basis? It is the intensity of your relationship with what you are doing, each and every day and the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. Do you wish to succeed in life? You must understand, then, that success is the result of deliberate thought and action.......

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Failure in business - lost life's earnings

An example of a crisis in your life could well be that you have lost your whole life’s earnings because your business failed. This can happen over a period of time or it can happen suddenly. The reasons can be myriad. Part of it may have been caused by mistakes you made and part may have been circumstances beyond your control.......

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A Land of Contrasts and Extremes

Australia is a land of contrasts and extremes. It is a land of great antiquity but a very young country; the smallest continent and the largest island in the world; the flattest continent and the most sparsely populated for its size. Its climate encompasses a range of weather patterns from tropical to temperate and in some southern mountain regions, sub- Antarctic. It can go from hot to cold, dry to wet forming vast areas from desolate terrain to beautiful rainforests; it’s a land of debilitating drought and flooding rains. Australia is the creation of nature’s mightiest forces working in a variety of ways.....

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Appreciate Australia

In a country as modernised and multiculturally inhabited as Australia, we really can find the best of just about everything the modern world could ask for.

We have wonderful food, a fair and democratic system of government that recognises women as being equal to men, and we have a beautiful, clean environment with one of the cleanest and most stunning environments ever seen or existed on earth.......

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Appreciate the Australian Air Quality

The Australian way is about being outdoors in the fresh, clean air – clean air that we tend to take for granted. Many countries, especially Asian and European countries, are choked with smog and pollution that is so bad they need to wear face masks when they go outside. We are truly blessed with our air quality, and it promotes good health and happiness.......

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Australia in The Twentieth Century

The twentieth century in Australia began with celebrations but dark days were on the horizon. This young nation would endure two world wars and a world Depression before fifty years had passed. The men of Australia would make the nation proud and as the Melbourne Argus put it in 1915, Australia had “in one moment stepped into the world of great manhood”. Because of the First World War Gallipoli campaign, Australia now had a national day – Anzac Day.......

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Australia, 1850 to 1901

The latter part of the nineteenth century was known as the “golden era” as pastoral interests continued to grow and the mining industry became more and more important to Australia’s growth. Transport was also improving with railways snaking out around the land and more and better roads being built in between growing regional centres. Perth was linked to the eastern cities by telegraph in 1877. Better communication helped break down colonial barriers and rivalries.......

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Australian Heroes of Discovery

Australia is an ancient land but a young country. Although its indigenous population have been here for many thousands of years, Australia did not properly present itself for discovery until after 1788 when the First Fleet from England arrived in Sydney Harbour. Between 1788 and 1813 the new settlement called Sydney was restricted to the coastal plains. Although many attempts had been made during this time to move westward, the large range of mountains, now called the Blue Mountains, proved a difficult and formidable barrier to the plains beyond.......

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Australian Heroes of Flight

At the birth of the twentieth century balloons and airships, which depended on being lighter than air, had flown since 1783. No-one had yet lifted off the ground in a powered machine that was heavier than air. It was to be another three years before Orville and Wilbur Wright would make man’s first controlled, heavier than air, flight in North Carolina, U.S.A. America, however, was not the only country seeking answers about flight and a number of enthusiasts were to be found in Australia.......

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Australian Heroes of People

When Australians think about war, the first battle that they think about is Gallipoli. Unlike the European armies at that time, the Australian Imperial Force was formed from volunteers who came heeding the call of duty. The main force for Gallipoli was made up of Australians and New Zealanders and became known as the ANZACs.....

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Australian Made

Unfortunately, with national economies working the way they do these days, much of Australia's produce is now produced overseas. So it has become very important to Australians in recent years to bring the production back to Australian shores and increase our own economy. The main way we can do this is by purchasing Australian Made products, so that the money used to purchase the products stays within the Australian economy and promotes Australian jobs.......

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Acknowledge her parents' birthdays and anniversary

In-laws are sometimes a necessary evil of being married. And sometimes you love them, and sometimes you don't.
Something that many people don't stop to think about is that, without those parents your wife would not be in your life today. So why not celebrate that?......

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Ask her if you make her happy

It's as simple as that. When in doubt, ask.
Rather than guessing and getting it wrong on so many levels, just come out and ask her. If your relationship is strong you will be able to talk about the issues she raises and accept them constructively.....

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Be a good provider

Whether or not your wife works as well it's probable that you are the main income earner in the home and are the main provider for your family.
As statistics show that a woman is more attracted to a man who is a good provider (this means that he is gainfully employed, brings home the money, and is happy to do it), it makes sense for you to have a good, reliable job that you enjoy.......

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Be active

To most women, there really isn't anything overly attractive about a man who sits around watching TV all weekend and doesn't play with his kids.

So it stands to reason that if you appear to be unmotivated and uninterested in spending time with your family, your family won't want to spend time with you. You sitting around the house reading the paper while your wife takes the kids to their sports on weekends is just a recipe for disaster, especially if it happens on a regular basis.......

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Be faithful

It may be stating the obvious, but sometimes the line between being faithful and unfaithful can be blurred, particularly if partners have different sets of values. Being unfaithful to your spouse may not be as blatant as having an intimate relationship with another person.

It is important to establish, early in your relationship, what you consider to be "being unfaithful." You may consider having a coffee with a female colleague after work to be perfectly innocent on your part, but your wife may feel differently.......

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Be honest and truthful

Honesty is extremely important in any relationship. It makes up one of the many strong foundations upon which we live our lives and is one of the first qualities we expect from our partners.

As her husband, one of the main things your wife will want from you is honesty. You need to be honest to your wife, your children and, just as importantly, yourself.....

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Bring in the washing if its raining

Think about it. Your wife's had to go and pick up one of the kids from a friend's house because he's sick, and had to stop off at the chemist on the way, and you've got friends coming for a barbeque in an hour. The clouds roll in and, inevitably, the rain comes. The kids' school uniforms are on the clothes line, and you know you'll all be out tomorrow at your dad's birthday party. The last thing your wife needs is to come home and find that the washing is dripping on the line, and you're watching TV, or sorting out your drill bits in the garage!......

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Can one candle really do all that

Never underestimate the power of a candle.

Yes, one of those little waxy things that you set fire to.

Think about all those movies you've seen where the couples have dinner by candlelight – there's a very good reason for that: candlelight = romance. What's one thing that always makes a woman say "oooh" and makes her snuggle against you that little bit more? A candle. The more candles, the more the "oooh" factor. Picture every photo of an expensive resort or restaurant you've ever seen and you can be sure you'll come up with one common theme – candlelight, perhaps with a garden setting, perhaps with a beach setting, perhaps just at a dinner table. But there they'll be, gently flickering in the breeze, ready to capture the attention of every woman around.......

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Carry the bags when you get out of the car

There are so many times when this will apply, from the few day-to-day bags of groceries to the trips away with loads of luggage.

If you've been on a picnic with your family, you will know that there are several items involved in the outing – the fold-up chairs, the esky, the picnic blanket, the bag with the kids' toy cars, the bag with the nibblies, your wife's handbag, the kids' hats, etc. The majority of the items you have with you are for all of you,.....

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Change your own behaviour first

Unfortunately, we really can't try to change our partner's behaviour without changing our own. The harsh reality of life is that sometimes we just have to bite the bullet, swallow our pride, and take a good hard look at ourselves before we start to focus on others. We have to get real about ourselves.....

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A Life of Love

In the normal course of events each of us is conceived in love and throughout our lives the very heart and centre of our being is this thing called love. As with water, we cannot live long without it. We have a continuing need to receive it, to be “topped up” with love every day of our lives or, after a while, we spiral out of balance and eventually die......

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Agape Love

This is the "God kind of love", the highest form of love, which never fails. Agape is eternal and sacrificial and overflows from deep within the human spirit. It is a love that is joyful and spiritual with a deep, unconditional commitment to mankind. It manifests in our acts of charity and service to others and includes those whom we do not know and perhaps do not even like. It loves the unlovable. For this reason Agape is not an impulsive love, generated by feelings. Rather it is an exercise of the will, a deliberate choice to make a decision and take action in love, made for the good of another; thus it is a love based in the mind......

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Birth to Childhood

The need for love is built into us from the womb. While in the womb a child senses the closeness of the mother and responds to the voices of parents. At birth, contact with mother cements the love and unconditional love is born. Babies are completely open and trusting; they love and expect to be loved. They know nothing about conditional love so they do not measure love and they do not judge. If a new-born baby is startled, the child’s arms will fly up and out, then clutch desperately for something to hold on to; they innately know that holding and being held is good......

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Building your Self-Esteem

Raising your own self-image is paramount as a prelude to being able to love yourself. How can it be done? First, it is important to ask for help when making such an important paradigm change in your life. It is wise to speak with someone you trust absolutely; a family member, a close friend you have known for a very long time, or if there is no-one close to you that you could speak to, be courageous and speak with a professional counsellor. Tell yourself over and over again that you do deserve to love and trust yourself......

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Doing Business with Love

Business is often a forgotten area for showing love and many would say that, on the surface, love should be left at home when negotiating deals. It has been said success can only be achieved by the ‘hard-nosed’ business people who are aware of the ‘tricks of the trade’ and who ‘give no quarter’! Such an attitude is short-sighted and any success will either be short-lived or mediocre. Love is a key ingredient to having the ideal business......

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Eros Love

Eros was the Greek god of love and was a prominent god in Greek mythology. He was depicted as a young winged boy with bow and arrow ready to short arrows or darts in to the hearts of mortals. His arrows came in two types: golden with dove feathers to arouse love, or arrows made of lead and owl feathers that caused indifference. He could be bitter sweet and cruel or charming and he was depicted as very beautiful. He was, however, dangerous and unscrupulous. Eros is referred to in Homer's Iliad as sexual desire. The Roman name for Eros, which you may recognise, was Cupid......

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How to use love in your Life

As already mentioned, love has unequalled power because it is an equalising, balancing, harmonising force that is always at work somewhere in the world. Love works on two levels; personal and impersonal. On the personal level you can generate love as an expression of kindness, gentleness, fondness, devotion and appreciation of those in your family and those in your circle of close friends. On an impersonal level, love is the ability to get along with people and having good will toward others without personal attachment. For example, if disharmony should arise at work where several people are involved, bring each person to mind, bless them with thoughts of goodwill and mentally see harmony restored in the situation......

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How Love affects your life

I believe love begins in the womb and only ends as we depart this life. Every person on earth begins life with an openness and ability to give unconditional love. It is a fundamental core need of every human being and each life is affected by the amount of love they can give and receive......

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I am love


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Love and Forgiveness

I am going to spend some time speaking about forgiveness because it has such an important effect on loving and being loved. No one is perfect and everyone, many times during their life, will either deliberately (out of anger or frustration) or unknowingly will hurt someone else and we will all be hurt by others during our life’s journey. Either way, it is our attitude to others and our way of handling the anger and the hurt that will ultimately affect how we love ourselves and those around us.......

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Aspects of the Mind

Wisdom, knowledge, imagination and emotional intelligence are all aspects of a mind that is open to great possibilities; they are qualities needed to enable us to succeed in life. If we are to gain and use these four powers of the mind to our full potential we must first start with our self-image and remove any blockages that a limiting and inward-looking mind has set up........

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Be Careful What You Think About

Thought is the reasoning of the mind; a mental depiction of what we sense. Our power to think is almost unlimited; it is the most potent way to understand knowledge and principles and when concentrated meaningfully on a subject will solve any problem. Thoughts must, however, be properly harnessed if success is to follow.......

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Changing the Thought Process

As we have already mentioned, most people run around on automatic pilot the vast majority of the time doing the same things in the same way over and over again. Why? Because, if you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to do what you have always done. That means, most of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday and these same recurring thoughts keep creating the same experiences for you.......

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Controlling your Mind and Thoughts

You now know that you are much more than your mind; you are very much the product of your thoughts. Everything begins with a thought and action transforms your thoughts into reality. So focus on training your mind to think the way you want to think. Remember, you cannot think negative thoughts and bring about positive action........

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How the Brain Communicates

Every time we have a thought, our brain surges with electrical activity, using up to ten times more energy than the average cell and neurons connect with one another across a tiny gap called a synapse so that various parts of the brain can communicate. At the junction where they connect, the electrical impulses within the neurons change into chemical reactions........

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How the Mind Works

The mind is often likened to a computer because it records and processes information but no computer has the creative ability of our mind.

It is well accepted that our mind can be divided into the conscious and the subconscious and that part of the subconscious forms the creative level of mind. Sigmund Freud once likened the mind to an iceberg saying it floats with only 17% of its bulk above water........

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Knowing Your Brain

This heading is actually a misnomer because in so many ways, the more we learn about our brain the more questions arise. Although we have learned more about the brain in the past 20 years than in previous history, and although there are many ground-breaking experiments going on, there are many aspects of the workings of the brain that scientists have yet to unravel. Some questions include how our brain processes information, how memories are stored, how the brain develops and grows and how we consciously think.......

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Negative Thoughts and Emotions

What predominates in your thoughts? Do you think about your problems incessantly or do you concentrate your thinking on finding a solution?

Too often we serve our thoughts. How do we do that? By allowing our thoughts to run rampant; to allow them to roam wherever they will. Unrestrained thoughts bring unrestrained actions so train your thoughts to obey you........

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New Brain Technology

There is a lot of discussion and debate going on in the halls of science at present about the pros and cons and ethics of new breakthroughs in neuroscience in particular. Up to the present the many questions neuroscientists have about how the brain communicates could only be discussed in theory. New tools are constantly being developed which may help to answer existing questions and any new questions which are likely to be raised as barriers are broken down and new frontiers opened up........

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Our Belief System

Our beliefs are a very powerful directing force in human behaviour because they define and shape who we are and determine our potential. The distinction between a fact and our attitude towards that fact is our belief system and so it is the single most important influence that controls the direction and destiny of our life. Our beliefs determine and guide our thoughts, our actions, our goals and even our relationships with other people so they are not easily changed........

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A Sense of Humour and Creativity

A further result of allowing a sense of humour to lighten a situation is that we are more easily able to think at a higher level of creativity. A sense of humour and creativity go together like the proverbial “horse and carriage”. Creative ideas help to resolve stressful situations and we can use them to improve both our personal lives and work environment.........

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A Sense of Humour, What a Quality

A sense of humour is a natural, inherent, part of our lives; we learn to smile and then laugh within months of our birth and as we grow into childhood we tend to laugh many times a day. Unfortunately, as we move into adulthood we smile and laugh a lot less; life has become too serious. Perhaps it’s a good idea to emulate the children as it seems they are only ones who still enjoy a sense of humour to the fullest extent.........

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Act Now

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows”. (Quote: Michael Landon)........

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An Open and A Closed Mind

To create the life that you want, growing as a human being and regularly experiencing a prosperous lifestyle, you will need a mind open to other people, possibilities, ideas and opinions around you. When you have an open mind you allow yourself to attract and follow up on opportunities. When you work with the power of the conscious and subconscious mind you will attract opportunities that will bring you what you need; for what you radiate you will constantly attract.........

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Awareness is the basis for excellence in every area of your life. The importance of awareness lies in the fact that it is the foundation for the self-image you need to have if you are to be effective in reaching your goals. To excel, you must be aware of the elements that are needed to contribute to your success.........

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Belief System

Belief is the power of faith and “Faith is the pillar of strength that allows men to achieve the impossible, reach the unattainable and solve the unfathomable.” (Skip Ross)........

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Beliefs That Have Changed The World

The power of belief is the most impressive part of man and the most highly developed; the source of greatest energy. Man is unique because of his ability to believe and often, those beliefs have changed the course of humanity.........

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Beliefs, Limiting or Empowering

The belief system we have created ultimately determines what we value, how we live and the levels of success we achieve in our lives. Our beliefs act as filters and control everything we think, our reactions and our emotions. Whether we like it or not, our beliefs run our lives. As we grow older we tend to reinforce what we believe by surrounding ourselves with people who share our beliefs.........

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Believe in yourself - You are a Winner! Our Belief System

Don’t be intimidated by others who have been successful. Just concentrate on your own achievements. Keep working toward your own success. Know that whatever you think of is in your power to achieve. It will take a plan and action, but you can achieve it........

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Benefits of Delegation

Those who successfully manage team members – each of whom has specific responsibilities for a different aspect of the team’s performance – prove they are ready for bigger and better challenges.........

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